All gas - propane, natural gas, or other appliance; can be run by a anaerobic biogas composter soil nutrient recycler biowaste digester septic sterilizer system of suitable design and size.
All gas - propane, natural gas, or other appliance; can be run by a anaerobic biogas composter soil nutrient recycler biowaste digester septic methane sterilizer system of suitable design and size.
"Are Jersey cows the answer to cheaper fuel?"
"Giant bags full of biogas provide 4 hours of cooking fuel"
Truly any home, trailer, RV, caravan, or other; with its own biowaste compost septic storage and treatment tank, can be setup to store the biogas it makes available by abundantly naturally produced flammable breakdown gasses...
Indeed, your firewood could be a suitable quantity of biowaste going through the process anerobic decompositon; a process which itself is exothermic. Fertilizer production plants could be local even district heating sources on 2 levels.... biothermal level low grade heat and flammable gas high grade heat.
Anerobic decomposition produces through its breakdown of very complex carbohydrate - fat - protein molecules do convert a percentage of solid matter into a flammable gaseous state that can be easily used to operate a significant portion of our current industrial and domestic heating infrastructure.
So what would be the value of a ton of sawdust decomposed vs combusted?
With decomposition is carbon sequestration in the secondary valuable resource of fertilizers. Fertilizers made from contemporary living carbon, not ancient fossil carbon.
Europe and the world in its entirety is now at hand of being forced to reconcile short and long term energy and heat dependencies.
"Working principle of a small-scale biogas digester, including subsequent use of the biogas for cooking and of the biogas slurry/digestate for fertilisation. (Infographic (CC) by Lusi Ajonjoli)"